
Her Majesty established RENEW a Civil Society Organization in 2004 dedicated to the empowerment of vulnerable women of our society, especially the victims and survivors of domestic violence so that they can emerge as socially and economically independent members of their communities. The core services include advocacy, outreach, counseling, education and rehabilitation. Gawailing-Happy Homeprovides shelter to the victims of the domestic violence and is also home for vulnerable children and youth.
Services by RENEW
For families or individuals trying to rebuild their lives, confidential counselling services are an integral part of the process. RENEW provides counselling services free of cost for all family members throughout the country. In rural areas, initial counselling is provided by para-professional Community Based Support System (CBSS) volunteers who are trained by RENEW to evaluate the needs and referral pathway for each client.
As a part of RENEW’s counselling services, free legal aid is provided. Ninety-five percent of all clients require legal aid of some form. Legal aid provided varies from writing legal letters to representing the case in court.
Gawailing Happy Home provides an environment of physical and psychological safety for individuals and families. Happy Home is available 24 hours a day for those who find themselves in an emergency situation.
In 2014, 151 individuals sought shelter services with RENEW’s Happy Home. An individual/family may stay for up to six months but in some incidences may remain longer if there are no other secure or suitable alternatives. Happy Home offers; counselling, legal aid (where needed), emergency medical aid, crisis intervention, meditation practices, education for the children and livelihood training for each individual.
RENEW provides emergency and basic health care assistance in cases of DV/SGBV. Complex cases are referred to the National Hospital in Thimphu. Medical counselling on HIV/STIs and contraception are also provided as additional services.
RENEW believes that access to education is at the heart of social inclusion and social transformation. Striving to address the potential for this early-onset inequality, RENEW offers scholarships to under-privileged children and youth around the country. In 2015 alone, 450 students were supported by RENEW. The chief aim of the program is to provide a modest scholarship amount for the purchase of essentials, thus enabling them to attend school.
As an extension of the current scholarship program, RENEW intends to expand our assistance beyond primary and secondary education by continuing support through scholarships to individuals as they enter colleges or universities.